“All of life is a medium for relationship,” says Matt Reagan. In some cultures in the world, this statement would seem so patently obvious that folks would look at you funny if you said it. “Yes,” they might answer, “what else would life be for?” But this is not obviously true to Americans. To us, all of our individual lives are about individual liberty and the individual pursuit of happiness. Relationships, in fact, are often perceived as obstacles to our individual life goals and jettisoned as needed. We view ourselves as free agents. Community is optional, something to abandon if it interferes with our individual preferences or goals. So this makes the Bible counter-cultural to Americans. Jesus’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39) and Paul’s to “count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3), while hard for all humans, is especially difficult for Americans to comprehend because it cuts against a core value of individual liberty. So we need to hear what Matt says and take it to heart. His message is targeted toward college and graduate students, but all of us must come to terms with his question, “Who are you trying to help?” It’s souls that God values. So if our life goals aren’t about living souls, we need a significant biblical recalibration. — Matt Reagan is a veteran campus minister. He serves as campus director for Campus Outreach. https://desiringgod.org/articles/where-do-others-fit-in-your-schedule

Desiring God

"Most people in the world have no experience of deep and abiding joy.

Even though it is something we all desperately long for, the assurance that true happiness can be known — fully and forever — is a hope that billions of people live every day without. This is a tragedy.

Desiring God is on a mission to change that.

We aim to help people everywhere embrace a profound truth that changes everything about life and eternity:

You were created for something greater than yourself. You were formed for something awesome and magnificent.

You were made to know glory — God’s glory. And the deepest longings of the human heart can be fully satisfied by pursuing that glory. In fact, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him."

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Desiring God

"Most people in the world have no experience of deep and abiding joy.

Even though it is something we all desperately long for, the assurance that true happiness can be known — fully and forever — is a hope that billions of people live every day without. This is a tragedy.

Desiring God is on a mission to change that.

We aim to help people everywhere embrace a profound truth that changes everything about life and eternity:

You were created for something greater than yourself. You were formed for something awesome and magnificent.

You were made to know glory — God’s glory. And the deepest longings of the human heart can be fully satisfied by pursuing that glory. In fact, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him."

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