“Revival starts with us. The ripple effect of community is what comes from within each you and I. I come back to what Jesus said. He said ’seek first the kingdom of God’. So the question I ask every person is: Is Jesus first? Let’s not overcomplicate revival. It’s simple.” — Jamie Coyle

Revival is now. God is doing a new thing. Can you see it? Can you feel the hovering expectation?


YesHeIs is a community passionate about sharing their faith, encouraging each other and discovering creative, new ways to share the Gospel in today’s world.

Download their app: https://yhm2h.app.goo.gl/ynkj

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YesHeIs is a community passionate about sharing their faith, encouraging each other and discovering creative, new ways to share the Gospel in today’s world.

Download their app: https://yhm2h.app.goo.gl/ynkj

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