This is life after losing a loved one. There’s nothing more painful than coping with this new reality. Lying awake at night, missing them. Gone forever. Waking up remembering the loss and sadness, and trying to forget about it by endlessly scrolling social media or watching TV. But there’s no escape.

Others may have seemed to move on, but when that person was once closely by your side, it can feel like there’s no getting past the grief and mourning.

Watch how Jesus responds to messy grieving and loneliness. He doesn’t say to keep moving forward. He sits with you, he weeps with you.

Do you have questions or want to talk to someone about how you can experience hope with Jesus? Click here to get connected:

CV Outreach

CV Outreach’s mission is to reach people with the Gospel and encourage them to become true followers of Jesus by connecting them directly to motivated church partners (that’s you!).

Today, churches can struggle to keep up with changing technology and complexity. As a result, the Church often fails to harness the power of online strategies to connect with the people in their community who need to hear about Jesus.

CV Outreach helps churches bridge this gap by providing various free services in the realms of online advertising, web development, content creation, and social media. The result is a growing collective of CV Outreach Partner Churches from all over the world who are being equipped to connect with their local community so that the Gospel can be shared.

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CV Outreach

CV Outreach’s mission is to reach people with the Gospel and encourage them to become true followers of Jesus by connecting them directly to motivated church partners (that’s you!).

Today, churches can struggle to keep up with changing technology and complexity. As a result, the Church often fails to harness the power of online strategies to connect with the people in their community who need to hear about Jesus.

CV Outreach helps churches bridge this gap by providing various free services in the realms of online advertising, web development, content creation, and social media. The result is a growing collective of CV Outreach Partner Churches from all over the world who are being equipped to connect with their local community so that the Gospel can be shared.

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