Abijah was the king after Rehoboam, and was Rehoboam’s son. He waged war against the Northern Kingdom and regained a little territory from them. He was king for three years.
Asa was the king after Abijah, and was Abijah’s son. Asa was one of the good kings who eliminated many of the idols and places of worship built in the time of Solomon. Unfortunately, in the last year of his reign, the Northern Kingdom threatened to overtake the Southern Kingdom. Asa sent all of the gold and silver in the Temple to the kingdom of Aram seeking their support, but since Asa relied on Aram instead of God, he was punished.
Jehoshaphat was the king after Asa, and was Asa’s son. He began well, and God rewarded him as king. However, as his kingdom prospered, he chose to align himself with the Northern Kingdom in battle. Even so, he was a good king who destroyed idols and idol worship.
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