The demise of the Northern Kingdom continued with the kings following Ahab. The next three were Ahaziah, Jehoram (also known as Joram), and Jehu.

Ahaziah was the son of King Ahab, and he reigned only two years. Elijah prophesied that his death would occur because of his worship of idolatry. This was one of the last known acts of Elijah, the most powerful of all the many prophets in Israel..

Upon Elijah’s mysterious death, Elisha became the main prophet. Elisha’s ministry occurred during the reigns of Jehoram and Jehu. Some of the most well-known stories about the prophets in the Hebrew Bible have to do with Elisha, such as the story of the widow and the olive oil, or the story of the healing of Naaman, the leper.

A story that is less well-known is the time Elisha fed a hundred prophets with twenty barley loaves and had bread left over. Surely the people in the crowd hundreds of years later would have thought of that story when Jesus fed the five thousand.

Eyewitness Bible Series

The purpose of the Eyewitness Bible Series is to help people learn and understand the Bible. Eyewitness will eventually consist of more than 125 video narratives and study guides useful for individuals, families, small groups and churches. The material is entertaining and uniquely effective. And free!

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Eyewitness Bible Series

The purpose of the Eyewitness Bible Series is to help people learn and understand the Bible. Eyewitness will eventually consist of more than 125 video narratives and study guides useful for individuals, families, small groups and churches. The material is entertaining and uniquely effective. And free!

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