The first king, Jeroboam 1 led his kingdom deep into idolatry. As prophesied, his entire family was destroyed.
Jeroboam’s son, Nadab, was the second king. He ruled only two years, and followed in his father’s footsteps by committing the same sins.
Baasha came from a different tribe and family, rebelled against Nadab and killed him. He also destroyed all of the descendants of Jeroboam and Nadab. Baasha reigned for 24 years, and he continued in the same sins of idolatry.
Elah was the son of Baasha, and he reigned for two years. One of his trusted officials, Zimri, got him drunk and assassinated him.
Zimri took over the kingdom. He reigned over the Northern Kingdom for about a week before the commander of the army, Omri, assassinated him.
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