Primary Scriptures: Acts 8
Story Summary: Philip evangelizes in Samaria and to the Ethiopian eunuch
Location: Roman Empire; Tetrarchy of Judea; Jerusalem, Samaria, Caesarea
Time: 30 AD. Death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Pentecost. 32 AD (?) Trail and death of Stephen. Christians begin to scatter. 33 AD (?) Philip
Upon the death of Stephen, most of the believers in Jerusalem were scattered throughout Samaria and Judea, except the apostles who stayed in Jerusalem. Severe persecution was begun by the Jewish leaders. Further, the believers lost support from the Jewish social structure, so they needed to replicate many of its benefits and protections. They needed to do this while making disciples.
Philip was one of seven Greek men chosen by the Church to help meet the needs of widows and other needy Christians. After the death of Stephen, Philip went to Samaria to avoid further persecution from the Jewish leaders. He was so effective in Samaria that Peter and John were sent to see his results. While there, Peter and John imparted the Holy Spirit to the new believers.
The Holy Spirit led Philip south of Jerusalem, where he had the privilege to evangelize the Ethiopian eunuch, who was in charge of the treasury of Ethiopia. Since he was an important government official and would very likely be traveling with a big retinue. Try to imagine a string of chariots, with the eunuch reading the Bible in his chariot while his driver minds the horses. Then, a strange man comes running up. How would the soldiers react?
After baptizing the eunuch, the Holy Spirit took Philip to the coast where he evangelized further, until he ended in Caesarea, his new home. That detail gets bypassed by many, but is a key factor in the future of Christianity.
Eyewitness Bible Series
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